QuickBooks 2016 VS 2014 Canada

New! Automated reports let you know that your reports are on time and accurate based on the data provided, automatically generated and emailed to you when you schedule them.1 Improved! Smart search is a personalized autocomplete feature that helps you search for names, account numbers, and transaction amounts quickly. New! Reports filters are now easily viewable and can be applied across multiple reports and viewed on one screen. Bill Tracker lets you see the status of your bills, print or close purchase orders, and more, making it easier than ever to manage payables. Manage forms in a single step—unclutter your "send forms" queue in a single click. Advanced reporting features include a "this year to last month" filter. Get the full picture of your business performance - see your profit and loss, income and expenses, and top customers instantly on the new Homepage Insights. Find all reminders and notifications in one single window - overdue items, to-do tasks, system notifications, and notes from accountants. View and pin important notes about customers, vendors, and employees. View shipping rates, print labels and track packages through UPS, FedEx or USPS.Add multiple attachments, customize email templates to include customer or job info, and see prior email conversations with powerful email capabilities.See all your income-producing transactions in one spot, including overdue invoices so you can remind customers to pay up with new Income Tracker.Pull in all your banking transactions from multiple banks and accounts so you can view and categorize them for tax time2Track bounced checks, see key reports in just one click, and other improvements our customers asked us for.Complete everyday tasks faster with simplified customer forms.Keep Customer, Vendor and Employee contact information at your finger tips.Easier access to data and transactions with simplified navigation.Invoice multiple customers for time and expenses in one batch.See your invoices, billing, and other important tasks in a Calendar View.Access your inventory items all in one place with the Inventory Center.Attach and store documents in the Document CenterAccess industry-specific report templates created by otherQuickBooks Premier users.See all your key customer information at a glance with the Customer Snapshot.

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