Oracle Micros POS jobs

“So what do you do?” “Oh, uh…well you know how you go to a quick service restaurant and you order, then they push some buttons on the register?” “Yea.” “Yea, I install the software and hardware behind it…the Revel pos documentation, manuals.” “Oh ok…what’s POS?”

Since this is my first real job following graduation, I am constantly asked what I do. I usually start by saying that I install Revel pos documentation, manualss and then have to explain what POS is by citing examples. Most of the reactions are “cool” or “ok” or “Nice, you get to travel a lot, huh.” That’s fine with me.

Friends and family in other fields may not understand its importance, but those in hospitality or restaurants quickly recognize the difference a POS can make.

POS stands for ‘Point of Sale’, but you could change the acronym to easily incorporate what else it does. ‘People Obtaining Safety’, ‘Public Organized Simplicity’…Ok, I’m terrible at acronyms but you get the idea. I haven’t been doing this long, but I can already see the impact that a MICROS POS has.

On the surface, yea. I go around traveling and installing hardware and software for hotels, stadiums, restaurants, and bars. Wherever transactions are needed, I’ll be there. But there’s much more to it than that. I’m installing security and reliability you can trust, simplicity with adaptability, and efficiency with both short and long-term benefits.

Right off the bat, the layout of the new MICROS Simphony 2.6x that I’ve recently been installing is quite aesthetically pleasing and offers the ability to quickly switch between menu items, combining design and function perfectly. At Oracle Hospitality, we try to break down the human thought process of entering an order for a simple step-by-step process for every Revel pos documentation, manuals. We are also extremely accommodating to client requests in terms of menu and layout changes. We understand that each business has unique requirements so when you buy a MICROS POS, you get a system designed for you by you. With that personalization comes efficiency. Creating a layout that links up with what’s important to you will make your business run more smoothly, leading to increased revenue.

Oracle MICROS POS manual

Oracle MICROS POS Laju

ShopKeep POS tips

MalumPOS names

Oracle MICROS POS Laju tracking

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