EFTPOS charges NAB

1. Don't stop making payments

While your credit card transaction is in dispute you need to keeping paying at least the minimum amount on your credit card statements.

If you usually pay the closing balance on your credit card statement each month, continue to pay this to avoid interest. The closing balance will include the disputed amount. Interest does not accrue on the disputed amounts from the date the dispute is lodged while it's being investigated (including the international transaction fees if it applies).

2. help us out

If we ask you for more information or documents or to sign a letter or some forms in connection with the dispute, please help us out as soon as you can.

What we'll do

1. We'll respond to you

We’ll send you a letter to confirm the details of the transaction you’re disputing. Please check the details, sign the letter and send it back to us within five working days.

We may also ask you for more information or documents to support your dispute, for example the eBay description of an item that’s different from the one you received or transaction receipts from the merchant.

2. We'll contact the merchant’s bank

Once we have all the details of your dispute, we’ll ask the merchant’s bank for a copy of any receipt for your disputed transaction.

3. When the merchant has a receipt

If the merchant’s bank sends us a receipt for the disputed transaction, we’ll send you a copy. We need you to check the details on the receipt:

  • Signature
  • Merchant name – remember that the shop name, where you bought the goods, can differ from the business trading name on your account statement.
  • Delivery address
  • Billing address
  • Product information

If you still don’t recognise the transaction and want to continue the dispute please fill out and return the form we have enclosed with the receipt.

If we don’t receive the completed form, or hear from you, within 14 days of the date we sent you the receipt and the form, we’ll assume you don’t want to continue with the dispute because you have accepted the transaction. We’ll also close the dispute in our system.

4. If we don't receive a receipt

If we need to investigate further because we don’t have all the necessary information we’ll write to you to let you know. We’ll try to respond to your transaction dispute request within 45 days.

5. The outcome

We’ll advise you of the outcome of the investigation in writing no longer than 45 days after receipt of your dispute, including the amount to be reimbursed and or charged (where applicable), and the reason for the decision.

Notes on your credit card statement

This explains some of the notes you may see on your statement when you’ve disputed a transaction. But, these notes may not appear where the disputed transaction is an EFT transaction, or is being reviewed by our Fraud Operations Department.

EFTPOS error Code

EFTPOS Apple Pay

EFTPOS payment

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Vend POS Register