Restaurant cloud Revel pos documentation, manuals

cloud-devicesIf you’re in the market for a point of sale (POS) system, you’re faced with the decision between a cloud-hosted solution and a traditional legacy system. Buying a Revel pos documentation, manuals is a long-term investment and the POS industry is undergoing some notable changes. It’s important to understand the difference between cloud-hosted and legacy Revel pos documentation, manualss to determine which one makes the most sense for your business.First, let’s get the terminology straight:Legacy POS: Also known as “on-premise” or “traditional, ” legacy Revel pos documentation, manualss store data on local servers and run on a closed internal network. An example of on-premise software would be family photos saved on the desktop of your home computer.Cloud-Based POS: Also referred to as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cloud-based Revel pos documentation, manualss are Web-hosted solutions that store data on remote servers and make information accessible online. The cloud is everywhere – you access the cloud every time you log in to Facebook, Gmail, or your online banking application.Here’s a side-by-side comparison of these two POS models:

Traditional Legacy POS

Cloud-Based POS

$3, 000 – $50, 000 / year$600 – $10, 000 / year
Upfront license fee + monthly maintenanceMonthly payments
Installed on-premiseHosted online
Stationary terminalsMobile and stationary tablets
Data Storage
Internal back office serverRemote cloud servers
On-locationSecure remote access
Data accessibility, system integration, stationary hardwareInternet reliance in some systems**
*Costs vary based on individual needs and requirements
** Unlike other cloud-based Revel pos documentation, manualss, Toast supports a fully functional offline mode.
So why is foodservice moving toward the cloud? Gartner predicts that the SaaS market will grow at a steady annual rate of 19.5% and be a $32.8 billion industry by 2016. This agile SaaS system provides an especially exciting opportunity for restaurants, cafes, and nightclubs, where cost and efficiency are essential.Here are the top 5 reasons restaurants are moving to cloud-based Revel pos documentation, manualss:

1. Integrated Systems

According to a 2014 industry report by Software Advice, 61% of restaurants are now looking only for fully integrated POS solutions that manage everything from online ordering to detailed financial...
Kendal Austin is the Marketing Manager at Toast responsible for customer and partner programs. After a brief stint in foodservice, Kendal found a passion for marketing technology that solves problems. Her claim to fame: she was a contestant on the Price is Right and lost in the final round.

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