Verifone company phone number

This is my first public blog post. Ever. I’ve been on LinkedIn since its early days, and share things there with my professional network. I’ve spoken at a few conferences, and share ideas with a group of HR leaders that I belong to. Screen Shot 2015-05-20 at 3.57.47 PM However, this is the first time I’ve felt compelled to write a story and share it with the entire world. It’s about something that is at the heart of great leadership, great teams, and great companies – something that we’ve been focused on at Verifone – the values that define who we are.

The value system of an organization is a key component of its culture. There are many definitions of a company values system, but for me it means a few basic things. Values are the unifying principles for the behaviors and ideals most needed to achieve our organization’s goals and vision. They reflect the behaviors we expect of ourselves, both in our relationships with each other and externally. They help us make good decisions when faced with ambiguity in the course of our work. They help us attract great talent who share similar values. They help bring us together as one organization with a winning culture.

As you might know from my colleagues’ posts here on the Verifone Blog, the company has been undergoing a transformation aimed at delivering on the promise of our vision and renewed commitment to our clients. Our transformation has brought about much change and along with it, many talented people joining us from a variety of companies with a variety of cultures. This makes it an important time to ensure that our values and our culture are aligned with our mission and long-term strategy. It’s an important time to affirm our values and work to ensure we live those values.

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