Verifone Nurit 8020 reset

Repeat Steps 1 through 3 to begin a referral transaction. You will then be required to contact the Card Clearing Center to obtain a manual authorization. Give the operator your merchant number to continue the process.

Press "F2" once you have the authorization code. Enter the code and press the "Enter" button. The transaction will be stored in the terminal's memory. Press "F0" to print the customer's receipt. Press "F3" to decline the transaction if you were not able to get an authorization code.

Press "F0" for a keypad or CNP (customer not present) transaction. Enter the card number using the key pad and press the "Enter" button. Key in the expiration date and press "Enter".

Enter the transaction amount and press "Enter". Press "F0" if the customer is present, or press "F1" to indicate that the customer is not present. Enter the CSC numbers on the back of the card and press the "Enter" button.

Key in the numerical part of the customer's street address and press "Enter." Now key in the customer's postcode numbers and press "Enter."

Wait for the host to authorize the transaction and respond to the information. The display will read either "Matched, " "Not Matched" or "Not Checked." Refer to your business's Acceptance Policy to decide whether or not to proceed with the transaction.

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Verifone Nurit 8020